1500 kilometers from Berlin, lies the capital of the Italians. Rome, the capital of a former empire that spans two continents and whom the world of antiquity kneels to. The hub of civilization before there was any scent of globalization. The "Caput Mundi" or the "Capital of the World". Also the birthplace of the Republican system of government. Which in turn gave birth to one of the most known figures in the history of mankind, Julius Caesar. The great Roman general, conqueror of Gaul and Goth, Consul of Rome, and the first to gain the title of "dictator" or more accurately "dictator perpetuo", which means dictator for life. His last name alone became the name of a political philosophy based on his leadership, Caesarism. Caesarism is a political ideology which essentially means a sole dictatorship. One person controls everything in one nation. All authority in the control of one small human brain. Which has the right to decide ev...